Divorce – Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders
Protection During Divorce, and Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders Are you thinking of filing for divorce in Monterey County? Are you worried about the immediate results of filing, and want to make sure you’re protected? Before you file, you should know about the Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders. These are rules that you have to obey from the time you file the papers until your...Read More

How Is Child Support Calculated?
Every county in California, including Monterey, uses the same factors to calculate child support. The two biggest factors involved are how much time the child spends with each parent (i.e., timeshare), and the net income of each parent. Calculating timeshare If a child lives more with one parent, that parent is the “custodial” parent. The other parent is the...Read More

How Can I Get a Quick Divorce in Monterey?
California allows some couples to get a “quickie” divorce using a method called “summary dissolution.” (A regular divorce is referred to as a “dissolution” in California.) The summary dissolution procedure is designed for couples who have not been married for long, and who do not have complicated issues to sort out in the divorce. You must meet certain...Read More

Monterey Domestic Violence Restraining Orders – Who Pays For Attorney Fees?
Making the other side pay your attorney fees in a Monterey domestic violence restraining order case. If your case involves a Monterey domestic violence restraining order, you may be able to ask the court to order the opposing party to pay for your attorney fees. In Monterey, and throughout California, the loser may have to pay for the winner’s attorney fees and court costs in a domestic...Read More

How Is a Military Divorce Is Different?
When one spouse is in the military (or when both are), additional legal issues come into play. Special rules apply in a military divorce regarding where to file a military divorce, how child and spousal support is calculated, how child custody is determined. In addition, military benefits must be considered such as military retirement pension and post-divorce health insurance issues. Service...Read More

Ten Steps To Divorce In Monterey
Ten Steps to Divorce in Monterey If you live in Monterey County, or plan to file for a divorce in Monterey County, we’ve prepared a list for you. One: Be Prepared Two: File for Divorce with the Court Three: Serve the Necessary Paperwork Four: Respond to the Filing Five: Deal with Any Temporary Orders Six: Disclose Financial Information Seven: Discovery of Basic Facts Eight: Settle on Divorce...Read More