Dividing a Military Pension in a Military Divorce
There are several differences between a civilian divorce and a military divorce; one of the most notable being what happens with retirement accounts. Military pensions, like all other financial assets, are subject to community property laws. When it comes to military divorce in Monterey County, military status of either spouse can have a big effect on how property is divided. This is...Read More

Monterey County Child Support: What to Expect After Your Child Support Hearing
After your child support hearing is over, you may wonder what’s next. The court may have made orders about child support, health insurance payments, other medical costs, and/or daycare. In Monterey County, here’s what you can expect after a hearing about child support: Filing of the order after a child support hearing: Monterey County Department of Child Support Services (a.k.a....Read More

Financial Disclosures in Divorce
A major part of divorce is dividing assets and debts. To make the division streamlined, courts in California, including Monterey County, require parties to submit “financial disclosures.” The disclosures usually are made at least twice during the divorce. Once at the beginning (the “preliminary disclosures”), and once at the end (the “final disclosures”)....Read More

Request for Order Hearing: What to Expect
When parties cannot come to agreements during a divorce or custody proceeding, one will usually file a request for order. A request for order asks the court to make or change a decision about an issue in your case. Usually, requests for order relate to child custody and visitation, child support, spousal or partner support, property control, and attorneys fees and costs. In Monterey, when you...Read More

Military Divorce: Child Custody & Dividing Assets
The Added Issues in a Military Divorce In marriages where one, or both, spouse is an active duty service member, military divorce is unfortunately not rare. According to statistics published by the Pentagon in March 2018, the divorce rate for service members in the United States has remained around 3% per year, over the last four years. Military couples likely face longer separations and more...Read More

What Is Joint Legal Child Custody?
When parents have “joint legal child custody,” they share the responsibility to decide issues relating to their children. They have to work together to come to agreements about the health, education, and well-being of the kids. With joint legal child custody, the parents have to make all reasonable efforts to agree before making decisions. Where possible, these agreements should be...Read More