Date of Separation in Divorce
What Exactly is My Date of Separation? A Petition for Dissolution must set forth two dates. One is the date of marriage, the other the date of separation. The date of marriage is rarely in question. The date of separation, however, can become a point of contention. The Significance of the Dates In general terms, community property is all property acquired during the marriage; that...Read More

by Breanna CornwallSeptember 26, 2018 Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Violence, Military, Restraining Orders, Uncontested Divorce0 comments
Request for Order Hearing: What to Expect
When parties cannot come to agreements during a divorce or custody proceeding, one will usually file a request for order. A request for order asks the court to make or change a decision about an issue in your case. Usually, requests for order relate to child custody and visitation, child support, spousal or partner support, property control, and attorneys fees and costs. In Monterey, when you...Read More

How Can I Get a Quick Divorce in Monterey?
California allows some couples to get a “quickie” divorce using a method called “summary dissolution.” (A regular divorce is referred to as a “dissolution” in California.) The summary dissolution procedure is designed for couples who have not been married for long, and who do not have complicated issues to sort out in the divorce. You must meet certain...Read More