Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
What is a Civil Harassment Restraining Order? When one thinks of restraining orders, the first thing that may come to mind is domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) which are issued by the family court and used to enjoin violence, stalking, harassing and similar behavior between parties who have a blood or familial relationship. For instance, married parties, couples who used to...Read More

by Breanna CornwallSeptember 26, 2018 Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Violence, Military, Restraining Orders, Uncontested Divorce0 comments
Request for Order Hearing: What to Expect
When parties cannot come to agreements during a divorce or custody proceeding, one will usually file a request for order. A request for order asks the court to make or change a decision about an issue in your case. Usually, requests for order relate to child custody and visitation, child support, spousal or partner support, property control, and attorneys fees and costs. In Monterey, when you...Read More

Divorce – Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders
Protection During Divorce, and Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders Are you thinking of filing for divorce in Monterey County? Are you worried about the immediate results of filing, and want to make sure you’re protected? Before you file, you should know about the Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders. These are rules that you have to obey from the time you file the papers until your...Read More

Monterey Domestic Violence Restraining Orders – Who Pays For Attorney Fees?
Making the other side pay your attorney fees in a Monterey domestic violence restraining order case. If your case involves a Monterey domestic violence restraining order, you may be able to ask the court to order the opposing party to pay for your attorney fees. In Monterey, and throughout California, the loser may have to pay for the winner’s attorney fees and court costs in a domestic...Read More